By joining, you support the mission to inspire, highlight and empower all women in dentistry.
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We give women in dentistry a platform to shine, inspire, empower and connect. We are committed to being our best selves by living our strengths and using our gifts for others. We are all inclusive and live by the principles of DeW.
Our goal is to inspire and highlight women in dentistry and to be true to our shared commitment of being our best in all things, using our gifts for others while taking care of ourselves. Please join us!
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DeW Magazine is the leader in women's dentistry lifestyle, news, and entertainment.
DeW Life magazine and movement is for all of us. We want to share your stories. Your story might support someone else searching for their true passion and joy! Your struggle might be their struggle. Your win might be theirs for the earning. Your story can change someone's life. Telling it will feel good. Just DeW it!
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New on the Blog

Transforming Dental Education into Action: The Launch of Implement Simply
Jamie Marboe

The Answer is in the Bathroom
Deanna Otts-Whitfield

The Answer is in the Ladies’ Room
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The Orchestration of It All
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Embracing The Meditation Experience: No Matter What Shows Up
Vanessa Emerson