Health and Fitness Part II: Making Fitness FIT into Your Schedule!

In Health, She's Enjoying the Journey by Erinne Kennedy, DMD, MPH

As a female dentist one of the most important aspects to practicing dentistry is taking care of ourselves. I will be honest with you, though, there are times I put everyone else first and my health last! (Know what I mean?) But I have learned the best way to lead is by example, so here is my fitness first story.

Communities like BBG (Bikini Body Guide) and TIU (Tone it Up) are taking over the fitness market through apps and social media. But I felt I needed a small community and individual attention to stay on track. (In the end, I found the best of both worlds!)

Fitness Fridays

While I was in dental school, I started going to Maria’s Friday afternoon class at the Nova Southeastern RecPlex and got hooked. I wasn’t too sure at first. The last thing I had the energy to do on a Friday was 100 squats, but I ended up leaving week after week with more energy. Soon, I was taking Maria’s circuit blast class and spin class too. We even took advantage of South Florida living with beach workouts.

When I graduated dental school, I thought it was over. But right around that time, to my delight, Maria launched an online community, the Maria Method, so I could take her with me wherever I went.

Pajama Workouts

As you can imagine, residency was tough. So I worked out in my pajamas in my living room in Baltimore every day before residency. I loved it. There are still days where it is hard to peel myself out of bed (in fact, today was one where my comfy bed won that battle), but it’s so convenient working out in my home.

Why do I love the Maria Method as a dentist?

  1. NO excuses. How many times do you skip the gym because of the weather or the commute? There are no excuses in your home gym! Also, you don’t’ even need a sitter if you have children–how amazing is that!
  2. Injury prevention. Maria has also trained as a doctor of physical therapy, so she is constantly reviewing and reminding you of the proper technique. Her method all about taking it slow so you perform the exercise with or without modifications effectively and safely.
  3. Accountability. Larger programs didn’t work for me. I need someone who knows me and is invested in me as a person. And that is Maria. We have been through sickness, health, busy seasons of life and two moves! I know it sounds like a marriage, but it’s the kind of commitment you need to maintain your body for your career, for your family, and for yourself.
  4. Challenge. Maria challenges me every single day. The variability keeps me interested in exercising, and motivated. Her new evening Yoga class on Wednesday is so refreshing and really helps strengthen my core, a critical part of my dental practice.

If you are looking to make a change in your life and get back into a stable fitness routine, Maria offers live online classes Monday through Saturday, in addition to pre-recorded classes as a part of a package. I hope you join me!

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