My Journey of EFT Implementation in Dentistry

In My Story by Chris Haines

Let me share with you “my story” that has led me in my journey of implementing EFT technology in Dentistry to where I am today consulting dental offices.

Having worked in Dentistry for 34 years, starting as an assistant, moving into the front desk and eventually into an Office Manager position, I knew it was time for a change after deciding to move south.

After living in the North all my life and dealing with another snow storm where we had lost power more times than I want to share. It was time to move south like we had always dreamed of doing. Carolina, here we come!

That’s when in my long solo drive south, I had a lot of time to think about my next move in my career.  As I was getting settled in my new home, I received a phone call from an office looking for a part-time Insurance Manager in downtown Greenville, SC which became my new job in the sunny south, and where the journey began.

As I settled into my new position, I began to discover the new wave of technology involving electronic insurance payments. I was already using and submitting electronic insurance claims – now the insurance companies were talking about dental checks being directly deposited into the doctor’s bank account.  Wow!  What a huge benefit this presented to the dentist and the practice!

I slowly started implementing EFT for the practice I was with and after much research and gaining more knowledge, I realized I had something valuable to offer the dental community. When I started this journey about 10 years ago, it became clear to me that most practices at that time were not aware of what EFT/ERA meant. At that point, I realized most practices were not as excited about this as I was.

I found a new era in Dentistry had begun if dentists wanted to increase the cash flow coming out of their practice they needed to implement efficient insurance systems for the duration of their practice.

My passion has been to help Dental offices implement a more streamlined electronic process in their insurance systems and to improve cash flow by moving the practice into leaving a paper-based payment system to becoming an electronic based payment system.

Dr. C. Barton Aiken

I remember very clearly the day sitting in my car on my lunch break trying to come up with a business name. Writing it over and over until it leaped off the page and I knew right then that was the beginning of this journey. I never looked back at that point and stayed focused on the vision that was in my heart. I have been very blessed to be working for Dr C Barton Aiken, which has always been very open to new systems for his practice and has always been encouraging for my business vision. It’s been 14 years since moving to SC and I’m still doing his insurance as of today.

Laura Schading

After deciding on a name and implementing a website the next step was to start working full time on my business. In my journey of helping dental practices, I found out that many offices were in need of help with insurance AR cleanup. That’s when I decided to expand my business and offer these services. Which lead me to approach my daughter Laura Schading to become a partner in my business and to help these practices. It was Christmas day in 2015 that she accepted my offer and I’m so proud of what she brings to the business and how fast she has picked up the process. Who better to take on as a partner than your own daughter?

My goal for 2018 is the implementation of a software platform for me to have a more technology-driven way for me to do the EFT process in one place and to keep track of practices personal information, which I just launched in March. I realized to never give up on a dream you have because this was something I envisioned back before I came up with my business name. Timing is everything.

I found that surrounding myself with other female entrepreneur’s in Dentistry only encouraged me more to follow my dream. I have found to never be afraid to seek advice from other women in Dentistry. We are a strong force to be reckoned with.

And the journey continues!