Grab a cup of joe because today is going to be fast and furious. I get so fired up when dental practices outsource their messaging to third party advertisers. If you know me or my company, you’d see the irony in this . . .I’m partners in a Dental Marketing Services Firm. Here’s the key, a great marketing firm works with you to custom-craft your unique message and put it into the marketplace. Generic advertisers mis-align your message and create situations that you and your team have to then “react” and work around.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
This particular dental flyer landed in my inbox today. It was nicely designed, no problems there…here is where it gets interesting, and a tell-tale sign that this is ‘generic marketing’ highjacking the practice intentions.
Does the word “SUPERIOR” jump out at you? It should. Every state in the land has the legislative language to prevent practitioners from claiming superiority over their competition. However, this is not the biggest marketing faux paux; the mixed messages are.
- The values expressed in this piece are: Convenience and Low Cost
- Target Audience: Patients with Insurance and Budget-Conscious Families
Business Reality: (I mystery shopped this practice.) The doctor’s clinical focus is on placing implants. The average treatment plan is $5000 – $9000 – well above most insurance thresholds. Clearly, a case where the goal of “attracting new patients” is in direct conflict with the desire, training, and outcomes of the dentist.
How Does This Affect You?
Imagine the stress of treatment coordinators who are asked to ‘close’ a large treatment plan with a patient who was attracted through minimal out of pocket expense strategy. It is classic bait and switch and puts your team behind the eight-ball.
Even worse, the patient needs the care! The confusion between marketing messages and consultation will prevent them from moving forward. Creating frustration for the doctor, high team turnover and low patient care. What a waste, when a few minutes to align on the goals of the business could have prevented all of this!
DeW you Mind Your Message? Take this fun challenge: Pull all your marketing pieces together in one place-this includes re-care cards, email templates, brochures, mailers, sample web pages; listen to on-hold messages, tour your office. Are you sending out a congruent message that supports the desires of your practice? Comment on this blog to show us how you DeW Messaging in your practice.
Want a little more on this topic? Here’s a video:
Coffee Cup Coaching: Mind Your Message from Productive Dentist Academy on Vimeo.
Need a little more in your cup this morning? Check out my other Coffee Cup Coaching blogs.