DeW Dish–Questions and Answers with Brittany Bergeron

In Print Issues by Anne Duffy

What is the best part of your job?

Having the ability to change a patient’s life whether it be through health, education or improving their confidence–there’s no better feeling than positively impacting another person.

What obstacles have you overcome in your career?

As a new dentist and a young woman, I have faced bias, discrimination, and severe self-doubt. The biggest thing I overcame was my own negative feelings about myself, once I found my voice and self-confidence the world started to unfold before me in the best possible way. Being comfortable with yourself, your story, and your path is a very liberating experience.

What do you do to turn around a bad day?

Exercise! You can’t beat a good endorphin rush. Even on the days I really would rather be lazy a workout always improves my mood and makes me feel better.

What is your guilty pleasure?


What advice do you have for the new person in your office?

Make sure you ask questions when you’re unsure or don’t know the answer. That is the only way to grow and develop your skills and reach your full potential.

What “DeW” leaders do?

DeW leaders lead selflessly. Every DeW I’ve met wants to better the DeWs around her. They want to connect, advance and support their peers and tome that’s a true sign of leadership

What is your favorite Indoor/Outdoor Activity?

I love to knit and sew–I work on various projects throughout the year, I never just sit there is always a project in process.

What is your dream vacation?

A beach, a book, and sunshine. Location is not as important as the opportunity to unplug and relax.

What does balance look like?

I’m not sure but when I figure it out my DeW’s will be the first to know!

What movie always makes you laugh?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation!

How do you take your coffee?

Iced (preferably Starbucks cold brew): coconut milk, sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup, and one stevia to be exact.

What is your motto?

“You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it.”

What scares you the most?

Snakes…really anything that slithers (shudder) but especially snakes!

Share something about you that someone would never guess.

I’m an introvert! I love to have my quiet and me-time. I’ve learned to be more out of my shell but it’s something I constantly work on and sometimes struggle with