The Coronavirus pandemic and quarantine orders left so many feeling helpless and fearful. This has been especially true for dental professionals as offices closed and uncertainty followed with a “new normal” of PPE, protocols, and concerns for safety. There was a quote that struck me during this time that the pandemic and social distancing rules brought out MORE in everyone. If one was prone to fear and anxiety, they now had more. On the other hand, if one was already an optimistic goal setter, they found ways to utilize their time off for self-improvement.
At Custom Dental Solutions, we assist dental professionals with achieving “Success Your Way.” With time away from patient care, a 6-week Emotional Intelligence Reboot class was developed for participants to prepare for their “Come back #BetterAfterCOVID”.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle knowing yourself and how your mindset and actions affect you and those around you. So what elements of emotional intelligence did our participants explore and enhance their awareness and abilities in?
Utilizing their own DISC, Driving Forces and EQ Assessments, each participant identified their strengths, weaknesses, ideal environments. And 3 areas that motivate them both personally and professionally. Strategies for creating positive habits were reviewed and accountability provided through group discussions.
Each participant’s assessment report provided a score to reflect the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods and the propensity to suspend judgment and think before acting. Reflection helped to identify strategies to use in response to triggers, areas where they may feel stuck, and properly labeling our emotions to assist with impulse control.
Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others. While it can be difficult to see ourselves clearly and objectively, the descriptors in our assessments provided the opportunity for an honest reflection within ourselves.
Social Awareness
Everyone is in their own unique emotional state every day, which can affect their work and how they relate with others. Because of this, being aware of your communication styles and working on Social Awareness can improve your own work and personal interactions. Just as you can practice taking your own emotional temperature throughout the day, you can make a point of becoming more observant of others’ feeling too.
Social Regulation
There is a constellation of abilities involved in building a network of good relationships. To build good social regulation a person must be able to “take the emotional temperature” of others and respond in ways that build rapport and common ground. Good Social Regulation and social skills, such as collaboration, are crucial to quality work and personal relationships.
Anxieties and conflict can be a challenge in the best of times. Through the process of identifying areas of EQ in need of attention and growth while cultivating positive changes through awareness and mindful routine, our participants truly seized the opportunity. It was an honor and a pleasure to be part of their personal and professional growth. Our turbulent world and the dental profession will prove to be better with them in it. #BetterAfterCOVID
A few quotes from participants:
I joined the EQ reboot program with a goal to understand emotional intelligence to apply it to my role with DentalPost. But what I came away with was a great understanding of myself and how to communicate with others. I learned so much in the 6 weeks, I even wrote and presented a CE course on Emotional Intelligence and how to use it in the op. While I have never met my fellow participants in person, I have somehow made not only lifelong friends but trusted colleagues that I can reach out to any time. I can confidently say that am better for having invested in myself with this course.
~ Amanda Hill, RDH Speaker, Blogger and Podcast Host of Your Dental Top 5 with Amanda Hill
During our time off, I knew I needed to create my own narrative around what this would mean to me going forward. Participating in the Emotional Intelligence Reboot was exactly what I needed. It taught me to control my own emotions. More importantly, as a leader, it helped me to lead our team with confidence and optimism. I came through this even stronger!
~ Kathy Cigno Certified Kolby Trainer – Podcast Co-host at The Soft Skills Institute, LLC Co-owner Cigno Family Dental, SC