What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my role is being able to empower and inspire women to find and pursue their passion. In my Dental Health Partner role I get to partner with dental providers in Georgia to help close the gap on oral health disparities.
Who has been the most influential woman in your life?
My mother has played an influential role in my life. I see her strength and how she overcame many adversities in life. I get my strength and resilience from her.
How do you measure your success?
I measure success by the quality time and lasting memories that I make with my family and friends. I also base success on my continuous growth and challenging myself. Lastly, I measure success based on making a positive impact in at least one life daily. Many of the things I care about most don’t have a quantitative measurement.
What obstacles have you overcome in your career?
I had to overcome the fear of standing up for myself and others. It is important to stand up for what you believe in and teach people how to treat you. When I finally stood up for myself I felt empowered.
What do you do to turn around a bad day?
I believe in the power of mindset. One moment of a flat tire, traffic, not-so-good news does not have to turn into a “bad day”. I choose not to let a “bad moment” turn into a “bad day”. In life we have opportunities that we can learn and grow from.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Social media is my guilty pleasure. I get on to check my business and personal pages and before I know it I have been scrolling for an hour.
What advice do you have for the new person in your office?
I don’t currently work in an office. However, in any office you would want to know what the goals/expectations are. Come in and have a positive attitude and be a team player.
What “DeW” leaders do?
“DeW” leaders, create “DeW” leaders!
What is your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
My favorite indoor activity is reading. I like to curl up to a good book. I love going to outdoor festivals and concerts in the Fall or Spring. I enjoy connecting with people.
What famous person living or dead would you like to have lunch with and what would you ask them?
I would like to have lunch with Oprah Winfrey. Did you ever dream you would be such an influential person? What do you dream of now?