Don’t quit when you might only be three feet from gold!

Don’t quit when you might only be three feet from gold!

In Motivating Women by Kathy Lamont

I am a new entrepreneur and recently launched my own dental consulting /coaching business, The Practice Transformation Catalyst. As a new business owner trying to break into a very crowded space, it would be easy to give up, believe me, I have had my share of these negative thoughts. I feel so lucky to have the support from other dental entrepreneurs that have freely shared their support and knowledge with me. Although starting a business is one of the hardest things I have ever done, I know the hard work is worth it!

I recently had a couple of setbacks that had me questioning my decision to focus on coaching with
dentists during the transitions and in their careers and for that matter, questioning if I should have taken
the leap into entrepreneurship at all.

One of my mentors “talked me off the ledge” and recommended I read “Three Feet from Gold” by
Sharon L. Lechter & Dr. Greg S, Reid. This is one of the most inspiring books I have read in a long time.

There are way too many great takeaways to share in the blog, but here are a couple of my favorites.

1. Self-discipline is the most important requirement for Success.

Become self-disciplined with your emotions, your physical body, your mental attitude, your time, and your major purpose. If you
have ever seen the movie “Rudy” you have seen one of the best examples of self-discipline.

“Don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens” Rudy Ruettiger, Notre Dame football legend

2. The success equation is something I have personally implemented and am using with all my clients. ((Passion + Talent) x Association x Action) + Faith = Success.

This simple tool gives clarity to you and your clients’ professional success path. Remember you are only three feet from gold!

3. Success is knowing how many NOs can you take and still having the same enthusiasm to continue to push forward and not quit.

Keep moving forward until you get a YES, remember, no successful people quit three feet from gold.

4. The most successful people freely share and serve others.

This book recounts dozens of examples of wisdom and insight shared by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and icons of
business. I strive to live by this code of giving freely and serving others with my knowledge.

My personal success equation:
((P + T) x A x A) + F = Success

((Dentistry & serving others + 4 decades of dental industry experience) x Associate with like-minded
successful entrepreneurs x taking action every day on tasks that align with my goals) + I believe in my
success and I keep the positive mindset to overcome the negativity that comes at me every day = Success!

Now I am only 2.5 feet from gold! I will continue to keep digging until I hit gold, how about you?

About the author:

Don’t quit when you might only be three feet from gold!

Kathy has been in the dental industry for almost 4 decades. In those 4 decades she has worked as a  dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental sales representative, Regional Director for DSO and most  recently, Kathy has enjoyed consulting & coaching for small dentist owed groups. Her vast and varied  experience makes her uniquely qualified to coach dentists through the challenging changes in their  professional lives. Kathy’s coaching niche focuses on new practice owners, taking the growing pains out  of transforming, scaling and evolving the newly acquired practice and the onboarding and integration of  an Associate Dentist for the Owner Dentist ready to grow.  

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