Do you know what motivates your team?
If you are like most offices, the personalities and backgrounds of your teams are as different as can be. Some may be struggling with children at home while others may be working to get out of the house. It creates a happy and healthy workspace; it is important to find out what makes each person want to come to work.
Competition is everywhere. If someone quit working for your practice most likely, they could find employment somewhere else rather quickly. You know you have a lot to offer but maybe what you are offering isn’t what they desire or need.
Money isn’t always the leading motivator, although it almost always ranks in the top 3. Some team members need more flexibility in their schedule. Others want to take on more leadership roles. And still others may want to feel valued for the work that they are currently doing.
It is never a good idea to wait to find out what someone’s motivating factors are until they give their notice. At that point, it has gone on far too long and their moral isn’t healthy.
To being the process of discovery into your team, open the topic for discussion. Let them know that you care about them as a team member, and you want to invest in finding out what makes them love their jobs and what makes their jobs difficult. The results may shock you.
Here are 3 steps to discover what motivates your team.
1) Give them a 10-question survey with revealing questions such as, if you owned the practice what would be the first change that you make? If you were given $10 to spend on yourself, what would you purchase? What do you want to be recognized for in the workplace? What is the greatest compliment someone can give you? What is your WHY for working here? What would cause you to look elsewhere for another position? There are so many questions that would get to the bottom of the motivation factors – DIG DEEP!
2) Ask the team what the DE-MOTIVATORS in the workplace are. What makes their day harder or longer?
3) Listen to each person and make sure you are documenting their answers. You want to reward each person and motivate each person in a way that works best for them. For instance, giving every person a mani / pedi if they reach a goal may sound like you are a fantastic boss but not everyone enjoys those things. Planning a dinner or happy hour may take time away from someone’s time with their kids.
Knowing each person’s motivation is imperative to a healthy work environment. Take the time before it is too late, to discover your team’s likes, dislikes, and motivational factors. You will be glad that you did!