October 2022, my first DeW Retreat. An amazing event that I wrote about the powerful women that attended the event and I was able to meet. As a newbie that year, I felt welcomed and inspired to take individual action and share the experience. I wrote about my DeW Retreat thoughts which Anne published in December 2022 and I volunteered to join the DeW Good Fund Committee. From there the experiences have been evolving and I am grateful and blessed for the ability to connect with everyone at the 2023 Retreat.
From information on self-development, to connecting/reconnecting with DeWs while building relationships, the 2023 DeW Retreat was just as amazing as 2022. Clifton Strengths Finder was a focus of a part of the retreat where believing and understanding your strengths and how you incorporate them into what you do in your daily life was a pivotal theme for many. Utilizing your strengths and vetting and dating those you connect with before they become a part of your circle of influence while not being humble were also integral themes. The panel discussions delved into in-depth dialogues that made all DeWs think about the topics presented in ways that challenged each of us. DeWs challenging and being vulnerable to each other is part of the sisterhood that the retreat provides.
An evening spent at Dentsply Sirona with a fashion show and reception and another evening’s trip to Anne’s house for fabulous food including tacos, great conversations and birthday celebrations were ways for DeWs to connect on levels beyond the discussions of the day.
Following the 2022 Retreat I was so moved that I wanted to be more active with DeW and was called to become part of the DeW Good Fund Committee. Shelley Otte and Janet Hagerman had organized an amazing event in 2022 with donations from DeW members and proceeds going to 4 deserving charities. For 2023, it was decided to only focus on 2 charities, the Lahaina/Maui Dental Community and the Challenged Athletes Foundation. The generous spirit of DeWs not only with raffle prizes but with monetary contributions of $8500 embody the DeW principle “ To whom much is given, much is expected” (Luke 12:48). Shelley, Janet, Becky Moser and I are grateful to everyone who followed the DeW principle.
What will 2024 hold for DeWs? The future is yet unknown but DeWs will continue to never give up on their dreams while looking for opportunities to build on their strengths. Remember the answer is in the ladies room.