No this isn’t a typo and you did not read this title incorrectly. I really do feel this way. Granted, this is not something that occurred overnight; it’s taken a few years …
“You Can’t Hold Out Forever”
Webster’s Dictionary Definition of Entrepreneur is: A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking greater than normal financial risks to do so. …
Do Entrepreneurs Always Win?
I do believe that there are many people who assume that everything a “creative person” (or “entrepreneur”) has a hand in immediately converts into a …
Do You Showcase Your Journey Every Chance You Get?
Arriving at entrepreneur status takes time as we all know. It just doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey of highs and lows, positive and sometimes …
Profession Progression, the Story of a Lifetime, Part 3: Deb Roberge
My Role Model You could say that creative thinking runs in the family. I didn’t really think of it that way until later in life. …