In order to take control of your professional career, you have to understand the role that emotions play in your life. The simplest way to …
An Open Letter to my Patient
You put your kids first. You put your spouse first. Groceries, your mortgage, phone and cable bill, it all comes first. What about the new …
Coffee Cup Coaching: Forget New Year’s Resolutions
OMG, it’s January 5th and I haven’t written out my New Year’s Resolutions! How will I ever succeed if I haven’t completed my goal setting? …
Why Are We Overweight?
Dr. Laura Mach, The Life Coach for Busy Dentists, discusses what makes us overweight in our society. Podcast #3 Why I Was Overweight Podcast #4 How …
Coffee Cup Coaching: Accountability and Self-Worth
As a consultant, my phone rings daily with this one request, “Can you help me hold my team accountable?” My internal reaction is “NO!” What …
Life is Long. Take time to Dilly-Dally.
On my coworker’s office wall lives a sign that says “Life short, there’s no time to dilly dally.” I’ve lived by this creed my entire …
It Can Happen to Anyone [Even Dentists]
You know it’s happened to {nearly} every one of us. I’m talking about the #metoo movement. Most women have experienced some sort of negative treatment …
The Transformation of a Lifetime
6:00 a.m., the alarm rang. Yet again, this middle-aged dental office manager struggled out of bed to make her way to the bathroom to start …
Trusting the process: Is there life after dental hygiene?
I wanted out. I couldn’t do it another day and I needed out of the op so bad I couldn’t stand it. At the time, …
Thank You, For the Lesson in Manners
“I don’t think there is a market for that,” Mike said to me. Chad was silent. “You’d have to check and see. What competitive research …
Health and Fitness Part I: Commit Today to Getting Healthy
Not that long ago, I was super-fit. I was practicing yoga several times a week, going for long walks and eating uber-healthy. Not for any …
Running On Empty? Rest Awhile and Let Yourself Heal
Have you ever run yourself ragged (as my grandma would say!)? Recently, I did just that. The month of October was filled with projects, presentations, …