What is the best part of your job?
The supportive and respectful relationship that I have cultivated with my bosses. We have experienced the serendipity of having arrived at a perfectly aligned leadership team. In addition, they have been my biggest supporter of personal endeavors. They have known that my long-range goal is to become a dental performance consultant/speaker. They have encouraged, supported and provided opportunities that have assisted me as I slowly transition from my administrator to consultant. This type of relationship rarely occurs in business which makes it even more precious to me.
Who has been the most influential woman in your life?
I continue to be inspired by the many women who have supported me throughout my journey. A woman that I really admire and continues to inspire me a great deal is Linda Miles. She happened to be consulting at the dental practice where I began my dental career. I was captivated by her pose, enthusiasm and positive energy. She had an innate ability to quickly provide solutions to the challenges that were keeping that practice and team from reaching their highest potential. And, she did it with superb finesses. I recall saying to myself, “I want to be like her when I grow up”.
She paved the way for so many women that pursued a career as a consultant and speaker. She may never know the depths of her inspiration nor ever personally meet those that went on to accomplish great things. In looking back, she helped me realize that every role I have held in dentistry was not just a job but a steppingstone to where I am today.
How do you measure your success?
My success is not defined by a job title, or an award, or by my accomplishments. While those things clearly represent my drive and determination, I measure my success in my ability to lead, coach and inspire others to reach their highest potential. This is my way of paying it forward and honoring the many people that have been so influential in my life and career.
What obstacles have you overcome in your life?
Trust and confidence. I was a happy girl growing up in the country in eastern NC, but that all changed one summer. When I was 12, my father suddenly died from a massive heart attack and within a couple of months my mother began her slow descent into alcoholism. She was verbally and emotionally abusive. It is very hard to trust others when the one person you trusted the most betrayed you. And, when you are constantly told all the things you aren’t, can’t and won’t be, you start believing what they say is true. Fortunately, I had two great mentors come into my life in my mid–20s, which ironically were dentists, that helped me grow personally and professionally. They taught me to trust and gave me the confidence boost that I so greatly needed which changed my life forever.
What is your guilty pleasure?
HIGH HEELS. LOVE them! I am always in search of a unique design. I like to think of them as my superpower. When I wear them, I feel strong, confident and sexy.
What “DeW” leaders do?
Women are born to lead. We have tremendous influence. The world is full of inspiring women whose passion, work and impact in their community encourage us to choose a specific field of study, follow a certain career path, and become economically empowered.
DeW leaders cultivate a diverse set of advisors, a wide network of supporters and key mentors that to help us succeed. We continually seek feedback in our quest for personal and professional growth. And, we openly share our experiences and expertise to help other women rise to their highest potential. Our transformational qualities of leadership – vision, optimism, inspiration, out of the box thinking and implementation have fluidly navigated us through the unprecedented situations brought on by Covid-19. We make difference whether quietly or boldly.
What is your favorite Indoor/Outdoor Activity?
Cosplay. This is a form of performance art. As a child I loved dressing up and pretending to be a princess or a cowgirl. Now, I get to do that as an adult. This allows me to express my creative side in developing a character that is inspired by a movie, book or video game, as well as, developing my character’s costume, hair and makeup. My dark angel character has been featured, along with my MINI cooper, in a US and UK car magazine. I am currently developing another character which I plan for inspiration at speaking events.
What is your dream vacation?
Greece! I would love to spend a month exploring the beautiful beaches and islands, history, culture and culinary aspects that this country has to offer.
What is first on your dental bucket list?
Transitioning from practice administrator to dental consultant/speaker. This has been my long-range goal of mine for more than 30 years. I am one step closer having started my consulting company last year called LEAP 2 Solutions. This would not have been possible had it not been for the encouraging and reassuring conversations from colleagues and other consultants which also includes Anne Duffy. God opens the door when you are ready to take a LEAP of faith.
How do you take your coffee?
I am a cappuccino kinda gal!
What is your motto?
“Don’t fear criticism; fear stagnation”
Share something about you that someone would never guess?
I am a novice paranormal investigator (ghost hunter) and have visited many locations that are reported to be haunted by ghosts. I have always had an interest in the Last year, my husband and I participated in a paranormal investigation on the USS Battleship in Wilmington, NC. I had planned to participate in a lock-in investigation at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium this year but that was canceled due to COVID-19.