It all began on the hot and dusty sidelines of a girl’s soccer match as a conversation between two moms. We were lamenting the never-ending …
Finding Hope in the Middle of Relationship Storms
Since the pandemic began, headlines have certainly been full of a wide variety of highlights and lowlights. Our humanity has been in disarray for over …
Lead ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – Creating a Feedback Culture
“I replace a couple of employees every year, no big deal. It’s not just me, it just seems hard to keep assistants and hygienists in …
How to Take Control of Your Life by Controlling Your Mental Health
Let’s first think about ourselves. We want to take control of everything in our life, but… something prevents us from doing so. Something which is …
Forensic Dentistry: What It Is, My Journey Through It, and How Do You Get Involved
On February 9, 2021 I became the first woman to win the Reidar F. Sognnaes Award of Excellence in Forensic Odontology from the American Academy …
The F Word
Yes, I am the F word…fraud, fake, phony (OK, the last one only begins with the “F” sound, but you get the picture). For years, …
What a Ride!
Working in the dental industry for over five decades (OMG!) has been an action-packed journey of twists and turns that defines who I am at …
Love the Wine You’re With
“Congrats, babe!” he says, as he lifts my gold-plated corkscrew and inspects a round Mikasa wine glass for water spots. With a suave lift and …
DeW This After a Long Day Seeing Patients
You know those days when every single thing seems to be a challenge? On those days it’s as if every patient seems to give you …
Grief is a Crazy Thing
Grief comes on like waves in the ocean, a riptide that can drag you dangerously out to sea. It’s like a train barreling into you …
DeW Dish: Christie Lincoln, RDH
What is the best part of your job? OHI – Overall Health Information. Even when there is no sign of oral disease, I reinforce the …
Rise from the Ashes
Before starting to explain my journey, I want to briefly introduce myself. I’m Sayna Behkar, growing up in a small family in the city of …
Is there ever a point where we can say–“I have arrived. I made it to my dream life and I am complete, fulfilled, and can …
Why Collaboration is Key
Webster’s defines collaboration as the action of working with someone to produce or create something as in an intellectual endeavor. Collaboration is very similar to, …
DeW Dish with Lynne Leggett, BS
What is the best part of your job? Being able to change the quality of life for my clients. There is nothing better than to …
Self Care for Women, Not Just During a Pandemic
In our living histories, perhaps there has never been another time where self care is more important than today. The last year of our lives …
Leadership’s Secret Sauce
Do you know that Leadership’s Secret Sauce is more important to your leadership success than your intelligence and your technical skills combined? Management researchers, particularly …
My Life was Saved and I Got Unstuck!
Romans 8:18: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed …
A Long Journey to Divine Intervention
To my dear DeWs, “Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for the honor of writing this special message. Thank you for sending me a fresh …
I Do Believe – Good DeWs Finding Good DeWs
Do you often wonder what your purpose in life is? Do you question how you can make a difference? I challenge each and every one …